What layer in accordance with ISO standards?Freelance drafter can give layer name with any name, which is important for your own informative. Referring to the freelance drafting technique when I had a separate list. Please if freelancer want to follow.
1. Layer outline, with the type of line CONTINUOUS, 0.5mm thick lines [used to outline objects / object].
2. Layer CENTER, CENTER lines of type, 0.3mm thick lines [used to outline objects flashlight].
3. Layer Hatch, with CONTINUOUS line type, line thickness 0.2mm [used for shading line].
4. Layer HIDDEN, HIDDEN line with the type, 0.2mm thick lines [used to describe a hidden line outline].
5. Layer DIMENSION, by type CONTINUOUS lines, thick lines of Default.
List above is only a fraction is made, in line with the freelane drafting jobs that you created can develop more.
Create a layer in AutoCAD jobs:
1. Open the AutoCAD home design software program . Create File> New.
2. type LAYER at the command prompt or click the icon
3. Layer Properties dialog box appears, then freelance drafter type the name of the corresponding layer, giving color to a particular object is more informative, and gives line type according the rules of the ISO standard.
4. Click the New Layer icon, AutoCAD home design software provides a blank field to give a name. Afterwards click the Color box to give color, linetype box to determine the type of line, last lineweight click the box to determine the thick line.
5. Freelancer can instantly create an image, which of course objects created should be entered in accordance with the layer rules.
Here's a screenshot of the image created by the layer:
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