Actual concept of a structural framework must be provided on the architect / engineer drawings' s design. These drawing are converted into detailed drawings to give the necessary instructions for the fabrication and installation of assembly of structural members of different stores. Through an interpreter CAD shop drawings convey all the necessary technical information for the store to make the structural components.
To prepare the necessary drawings with accuracy, the interpreter must have comprehensive knowledge of standard engineering specifications, a better understanding of shop fabrication and field erection process, and must have the skills necessary for preparation of structural. Therefore, it is clear that the compilers of optimal structural develop drawing skills.
Drawing Number:
All structural drawings should be marked using standard designation. Typically, images are numbered sequentially with the letter "S" (S1, S2, etc.)
Drawing Scales:
The standard unit for the structural dimensions of the foot. Typically, the scale is marked as feet and inches. Each scale is based on the "Architect's Scale" which can be utilized for the structural drawings.
Everything in the drafting job must have a title such as plan view, elevation, section, detail, field notes, etc. The title is mentioned brave enough to catch the viewer's eyes. To provide excellence, the title underlined. Line, double line, or a combination of thin lines and thick can be used to underline.
Dimensioning drawing styles in the preparation of structure drawing is the same style used in the general architectural drafting. Outline dimension lines, continuous unbroken by figures placed above the dimension line. Its obvious that not to put the numbers down the line dimensions.